Business opportunities
ICE is the Trade Agency tasked by the Italian Government with promoting the economic and commercial development of Italian companies in foreign markets. ICE is also responsible for promoting the attraction of foreign direct investments to Italy.
In order to identify investment and trade opportunities in Italy, it is important to obtain information on the Italian market and its main business areas. Icelandic companies can get this information by contacting the Embassy’s Commercial Office and ICE – Contact Point Norway. (
Investment opportunities
Invitalia is the National Agency for inward investment and economic development, owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance. The Agency boosts the country’s economic growth, focusing on strategic sectors for development and employment, and is committed to reviving crisis areas and operates mainly in the South of Italy. It manages all national incentives that encourage the creation of new companies and innovative startups. Invitalia finances projects both large and small, targeting entrepreneurs with concrete development plans, especially in innovative and high added-value sectors. It provides services to Public Administration to speed up the spending of EU and national funds, as well as to promote cultural heritage. The Agency is the Purchasing Body and Contracting Authority for the execution of strategic actions at local level.
Starting from 2015 Invitalia’s activity has been complemented by the Foreign Direct Investment Unit of ICE – The Italian Trade Agency. Through its FDI Unit, ICE facilitates the establishment and the development of foreign companies in Italy by promoting business opportunities; helping foreign investors to establish or expand their operations; supporting investors throughout the investment life cycle; offering high-level tutoring services for existing strategic investments.
The FDI Unit of the ICE Office in Stockholm offers assistance to Icelandic companies and investors interested in the Italian market. Companies can contact the Unit by sending an email to
Finally, the Italian House of Business website was launched on 24 April 2024. It is the first inter-institutional unitary platform on Italy’s FDI attractiveness, containing the main investment opportunities in the country, with useful in-depth information on 13 strategic sectors for the national economy, on the guidelines and requirements to set up business in Italy and on the incentives available at national level. The portal also includes a section where investors can find a list of public greenfield, brownfield and logistics industrial sites that are readily available: Invest in Italy
Investing in the Italian real estate market is a portal for presenting Italian and foreign operators with opportunities for investment in real estate owned by the government, by companies in which the government or other public bodies have a shareholding or those with mixed public-private shareholders. It is a virtual tool for simply and transparently promoting interaction between demand for professional investments and remarkable real estate investment opportunities selected from amongst Italy’s most important public properties in terms of location, type and size. The portal features two, distinct categories of investment opportunities:
- The first includes property such as heritage buildings, with a pre-defined designated use, which may be converted into premium office space or luxury hotels;
- The second category is comprised of real estate development properties ranging from buildings to be converted, to building lots to be developed. The intended use of these properties may be re-defined based on valid, sustainable proposals and special requests submitted by potential investors and end-users.
The real estate properties can be purchased or leased on a long-term basis. The applicable procedure, private negotiation or call for public tender is specified in each property listing. For more information on how to invest in Italy, please visit