- Language certifications
Language certification provides documentary evidence of proficiency, according to the competence levels specified by the Common Framework of Reference for European languages.
In order to certify the knowledge of Italian as a foreign language, the Quality Certification of the Italian Language (CLIQ) Association, was created, bringing together the four bodies entitled to certify: the Dante Alighieri Society, the University for Foreigners of Perugia, the University for Foreigners of Siena, the Roma Tre University.
The certifications are:
- CELI (Certificato di Lingua Italiana), issued by the University for Foreigners of Perugia
- CILS (Certificato di Italiano Lingua Straniera), issued by the University for Foreigners of Siena
- PLIDA (Programma Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri), issued by the Dante Alighieri Society
- IT (Certificato di competenza generale in italiano come lingua straniera), issued by the Roma Tre University
For further information please see the websites of the four bodies.
In Norway it is possible to obtain only the PLIDA certification thanks to the collaboration between the Dante Alighieri Society and the Italian Cultural Institute of Oslo. For more information please contact https://iicoslo.esteri.it/iic_oslo/it/
- Study grants
For information concerning study grants offered by the Italian Government to foreign nationals please contact the Italian Cultural Institute in Oslo.
- Promotion of the Italian language and culture abroad
For the financial support (grants and awards) given by the Italian Government for the promotion of Italian language and culture abroad please consult the dedicated page.
- Uni-Italia
has been active since 2010 in promoting the Italian university and higher education system abroad. Uni-Italia provides information and assistance and organizes activities in collaboration with the diplomatic-consular network and the Italian Cultural Institutes.
Uni-Italia website: http://www.uni-italia.it/it/
Further information: https://www.uni-italia.net/
- DOP – Dictionary of orthography and pronunciation
The Italian public Broadcasting Company RAI publishes a Dictionary of Orthography and Pronunciation, accessible online at DOP. The new Dictionary covers over 100.00 entries and makes it possible to listen to the pronunciation of the words listed.