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Tax ID code

At the Consular Chancery of the Italian Embassy in Oslo it is possible for private individuals to get an Italian tax code issued. The tax code is necessary to be able to carry out tax operations in Italy, and is issued to Italian or foreign citizens that are resident in Norway or in Iceland.

Please note that the Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) is the only competent authority for issuing and validating the tax code. The Consular Chancery can therefore only assign a tax code to people residing abroad. To be able to get a tax code through the Consular Chancery, it is essential to have a residence address abroad. Italian citizens who require the tax code must be registered in AIRE (Registry of Italians residing abroad).

Operations that the Consular Offices can carry out:

  • assignment of the tax code (sent by e-mail)
  • assignment of the tax code + issue of a paper certificate (sent by e-mail or by ordinary mail with shipping to be paid by the user)
  • assignment of the tax code + laminated card (by ordinary mail with shipping to be paid by the user) (*)
  • duplicate of the laminated card for loss / theft (by ordinary mail with shipping to be paid by the user)
  • issue of the paper certificate for those who already hold a laminated card (shipping by e-mail or by ordinary mail with shipping to be paid by the user)

(*) please note that in most cases it is not necessary to have a laminated card as the paper certificate has the same legal value as the laminated card.

For any other information regarding tax issues, please visit the official website of the Revenue Agency:

How to request the tax code number

Send by e-mail to the scan of the printed and signed “tax code request form” + scan of the identity document (scans in PDF format in black and white, not in color). The signature on the form must be handwritten and made in pen; digital signatures are not valid; the form must necessarily show a residential address in the territory of the consular district; it is not mandatory to indicate an Italian address.

For minor applicants, the form must be signed by one of the two parents or by the legal guardian, who must attach a copy of their identity document and a copy of the minor’s identity document. Minors cannot sign the request.


TAX CODE Application form in English – (Form AA4 / 8) (editable PDF model): in order to use this function, the form must be saved on your computer, filled in, printed, signed and scanned in PDF; unsigned forms from interested parties are not accepted; in case of problems, we recommend printing the form and filling it in by hand.

The form is also available in other languages (German, Slovenian,  Spanish and French) on the website of the Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) where you can also find complete instructions on how to correctly fill in the tax code request form.