Italian opera singing has become a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage
Assolirica’s contribution was decisive for the inclusion of opera singing in the UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list. Assolirica promotes the diffusion of the value of the opera theater as an excellence and cultural heritage of the Italian Republic. As UNESCO writes “Opera singing in Italy is a physiologically controlled way of singing that improves the […]
Read more25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
ORANGE THE WORLD is a call to action and a reminder that violence against women and girls is the most pervasive human rights violation worldwide. There is No Excuse for gender-based violence! UN Women #OrangeTheWorld #16days #NoExcuse
Read more“History of Italian cuisine in comics”
The Italian Ministry of Foregn Affairs has created, together with the Italian Academy of Cuisine, the book “History of Italian cuisine in comics. From Etruscan tagliatelle to tiramisu”. From the Etruscans to the Romans, passing through Arab and American influences, the comic traces the history of the Italian culinary tradition and the dishes that characterize […]
Read moreApplications are now open for the scientific awards promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
The “Italian bilateral scientific cooperation award” was established to recognize an Italian scientist who has contributed to the progress of science and technology by carrying out her/his research abroad (in Norway or Iceland), thus improving Italy’s S&T relations with foreign countries and international organizations. Now in its sixth edition, this year the award is dedicated […]
Read moreItaly at the 2023 Arctic Circle
More than 700 speakers in over 200 sessions will participate in the 2023 Arctic Circle, which will be held at the Harpa Conference Center in Reykjavík, Iceland, on October 19-21. This annual Assembly, the largest network of international dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic, hosts heads of state and government, ministers, members […]
Read moreRoma Expo 2030
Rome has been ready to host the Universal Exhibition since the 1930s, when an entire neighborhood, EUR, was built to host the 1942 exhibition, which however never saw the light of day due to the Second World War. The Rome project, entitled “People and Territories: Regeneration, Inclusion and Innovation”, competes this year together with Busan […]
Read moreDecesso del Presidente emerito della Repubblica, Senatore di diritto e a vita Giorgio Napolitano
In occasione della scomparsa del Presidente emerito della Repubblica, Senatore di diritto e a vita Giorgio Napolitano, l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Oslo espone le bandiere a mezz’asta e ha aperto un registro di condoglianze. Coloro che volessero far pervenire un messaggio di condoglianze, possono scrivere all’indirizzo entro il 27 settembre.
Read moreNuovo e-book sulle relazioni accademiche bilaterali tra Italia e Norvegia
L’Ambasciata d’Italia ad Oslo ha appena edito un nuovo e-book dedicato alla collaborazione universitaria con la Norvegia, con dati sulla presenza di studenti e ricercatori italiani e norvegesi nelle Università italiane e norvegesi, nonché sugli studenti Erasmus e sugli accordi tra gli istituti accademici dei due Paesi. Dalla nostra analisi emerge che più di 700 […]
Read moreTre film italiani all’Oslo Pix Film Festival 2023
Sono tre i film che hanno rappresentato l’Italia a questa edizione dell’Oslo Pix Film Festival (28 agosto – 3 settembre 2023): “Amanda”, dell’esordiente Carolina Cavalli e una doppia versione di “Suspiria”, il classico originale di Dario Argento del 1977 e il recente remake di Luca Guadagnino. Il programma dell’Oslo Pix Film Festival presenta una vasta […]
Read moreLa Prof.ssa Monica Miscali e’ stata insignita dell’onorificenza di Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia
Lo scorso venerdì 1 settembre l’Ambasciatore d’Italia ad Oslo, Stefano Nicoletti, ha consegnato alla Prof.ssa Monica Miscali l’ onorificenza di Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia di cui è stata insignita dal Presidente della Repubblica italiana, Sergio Mattarella. L’Ordine della Stella d’Italia premia i cittadini italiani residenti all’estero e gli stranieri che si sono distinti per […]
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